Nokia X6 - After circulating in Jakarta, services, Nokia X6 comes in Makassar. Phones that carry the tagline that Comes With Music dilego approximately USD 3.9 million through a bundling package with Telkomsel.
Senior Marketing Manager Nokia Indonesia, Goh Doh Hau, in his statement while launching the product was, Thursday, April 29, said music catalog to Comes With Music Nokia Indonesia consists of 12 different types of music from major record companies internationally and locally, such as Aquarius Musikindo, E- motion Entertainment, EMI Music, Indo Semar Sakti, Musica Studios, the Rainbow Records and others.
"Comes With Music is an extraordinary opportunity for local artists to reach more fans and party Nokia are aggressively discussing with local industry to ensure local content can participate in this service," he said.
Services will be offered through Nokia devices 16GB X6, set sail touch phone. Meanwhile, to facilitate the service, the Nokia menggandengan Telkomsel to offer an unlimited data package.
Marketing Communications Manager SingTel Pamasuka, Jowvy Kumala, adding, SingTel will provide two data packages tailored to the needs of its customers such as CWM1 worth USD 20 thousand to 30 days and CWM2 to cost Rp 50 thousand per 30 days.
"For package USD 20 thousand consumers will be able to download speed limit of 512 Kbps and internet usage at 125 MB, while for the package USD 50 thousand, consumers can download with speed limit of 512 Kbps and 300 MB of internet usage," he said.
Senior Marketing Manager Nokia Indonesia, Goh Doh Hau, in his statement while launching the product was, Thursday, April 29, said music catalog to Comes With Music Nokia Indonesia consists of 12 different types of music from major record companies internationally and locally, such as Aquarius Musikindo, E- motion Entertainment, EMI Music, Indo Semar Sakti, Musica Studios, the Rainbow Records and others.
"Comes With Music is an extraordinary opportunity for local artists to reach more fans and party Nokia are aggressively discussing with local industry to ensure local content can participate in this service," he said.
Services will be offered through Nokia devices 16GB X6, set sail touch phone. Meanwhile, to facilitate the service, the Nokia menggandengan Telkomsel to offer an unlimited data package.
Marketing Communications Manager SingTel Pamasuka, Jowvy Kumala, adding, SingTel will provide two data packages tailored to the needs of its customers such as CWM1 worth USD 20 thousand to 30 days and CWM2 to cost Rp 50 thousand per 30 days.
"For package USD 20 thousand consumers will be able to download speed limit of 512 Kbps and internet usage at 125 MB, while for the package USD 50 thousand, consumers can download with speed limit of 512 Kbps and 300 MB of internet usage," he said.