Senin, 22 November 2010

Cooked Foods

Vegetables Recipes - Does moving to a raw foods diet mean never eating hot food again? No, it doesn't. Sometimes you want something hot. Hot food has always signified comfort for many of us. And on a cold, rainy day, carrot sticks or wheatgrass juice probably won't cut it for most of us.

Recipes - Most raw food, like our bodies, is very perishable. When raw foods are exposed to temperatures above 118 degrees, they start to rapidly break down, just as our bodies would if we had a fever that high. One of the constituents of foods which can break down are enzymes. Enzymes help us digest our food. Enzymes are proteins though, and they have a very specific 3-dimensional structure in space. Once they are heated much above 118 degrees, this structure can change.

Once enzymes are exposed to heat, they are no longer able to provide the function for which they were designed. Cooked foods contribute to chronic illness, because their enzyme content is damaged and thus requires us to make our own enzymes to process the food. The digestion of cooked food uses valuable metabolic enzymes in order to help digest your food. Digestion of cooked food demands much more energy than the digestion of raw food. In general, raw food is so much more easily digested that it passes through the digestive tract in 1/2 to 1/3 of the time it takes for cooked food.

Eating enzyme-dead foods places a burden on your pancreas and other organs and overworks them, which eventually exhausts these organs. Many people gradually impair their pancreas and progressively lose the ability to digest their food after a lifetime of ingesting processed foods.

But you certainly can steam and blanch foods if you want your food at least warm. Use a food thermometer and cook them no higher than 118 degrees Fahrenheit. Up to this temperature, you won't be doing too much damage to the enzymes in food.

Many people dont just eat raw foods for dietary or health reasons. The truth of the matter is that some people just purely enjoy the taste of fresh uncooked foods. We all can probably relate to this when we think about the sweet juicy taste of a fresh peach or the delicate buttery taste of white tuna sashimi. This is not to say that all uncooked foods taste like a peach or raw fish, because they don't. We all know that. The point is that eating uncooked foods provides us with the natural taste of the food we are eating. For some taste buds this can be very exciting, especially for those people that value the natural flavor of the bounty that life gives us. There is something to be said for the delectable pleasures of natural eating.

Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

Free Roaming in 7 Countries

XL BlackBerry Onyx users who were traveling abroad, now do not have to pay more for roaming charges. At least in seven countries, XL release BlackBerry roaming tariffs for its customers during the first few days.

This offer is valid from 13 October to 31 December 2010. Seven countries apply for roaming on operators who are members of the trends Axiata Group's international network and their respective XL Malaysia (Celcom), Singapore (M1), Cambodia (Hello), Bangladesh (Robin), Sri Lanka (Dialog), Hong Kong (SmartTone ), and Japan (Softbank).

"Customers XL BlackBerry Onyx will be greatly assisted by the new promo is considering the need for mobility and roaming charges are mild," said Director of Commerce XL, Joy Wahjudi, Wednesday (10/13/2010). However, this promo is only valid for prepaid customers who signed up for BlackBerry One monthly and Xplor postpaid subscribers.

For BlackBerry One XL customers who use prepaid cards can be automatically enjoy free international roaming facility after turning USD monthly service. 99.000/bulan. Customers will not cost anything to activate the international roaming service. Free roaming facility is valid for first 3 days in the country visited and to a maximum of 3 times the visits in the destination country within 30 days or a month. For day-to-4 and so on at each visit will be charged normal roaming rates.

As for customers who use a BlackBerry XL postpaid cards, international free roaming facility can be enjoyed for 9 days within 30 days in 7 countries included in the list this free program of international roaming. For day-to-10 and so on, will be charged normal roaming rates.

Until now the number of BlackBerry subscribers XL has reached nearly 600 thousand active customers, supported by capacity bandwidth directly to the RIM BlackBerry (Research in Motion) through a dual carrier partners of 800 Mbps.

Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

Internet Tools

In the event Nokia World 2010, Nokia revealed the strategy for the next connecting millions of consumers to the Internet. You do this by presenting sophisticated mobile phone with affordable price and combined with various service Ovi.

"Looking ahead, the more people who join in the era of information through mobile phones than use PCs," said Mary McDowell, executive vice president for Mobile Phones, Nokia, in his statement, October 5, 2010.

McDowell said, with 80 percent of the world's population within range of cell towers, cell phones who will present the first online experience. "The phone will force the withdrawal of millions of people using the computer is first connected to the Internet," he said.

Nokia, said McDowell, will strengthen their understanding about the needs of consumers in each country, improve distribution and increase innovation to bring what is needed for consumers with an affordable price.

"Currently, more than just an affordable high quality devices, consumers need a variety of applications that are available globally and locally relevant content," said McDowell. "And they want it fast, easy and affordable," he said.

McDowell said, a variety of services and the latest sophisticated software that is usually associated with smartphones are now becoming increasingly important in the realm of traditional phones.

Kamis, 09 September 2010

Fei Yu Ching Still Existed

Chu Mei Feng - Again applause Entertainment fulfill his promise to continue bringing top artists. This time the singer from Taiwan, Fei Yu Ching, which will hit the field at the upcoming October 23.

Fei Yu Ching's name has actually been no stranger in the Mandarin music scene. Born in 1955 has been active in music since the age of 17 years. His own music career started when he followed the singing contest and won first prize.

Finally, he hired a singer still in the CTV. Fei Yu Ching sing a folk song known candidate. Even in the pop music world, he referred to as a leader in reviving the traditional style of Mandarin pop songs in the XX Century. The song contains the traditional Chinese style which is very thick and has a strong and important influence in all areas inhabited by people hard.

Since managed to hold his own concert, Fei Yu Ching who had nothing to do with the image of this idol artist draw the attention of many people. Many of the leading music critics each to comment, they stated that the ride leaves Fei Yu Ching is a sensational topic. Which certainly, a very positive effect on the development of Mandarin music scene.

Xu Xiao Feng (Responsible for Lian Meng Yuan Chuang and entertainment company Jiu Hua Zhou O) expressed his compliments to the appearance of Fei Yu Ching. According to him, there is rarely capable of maintaining old singer singing style and the same style for so long. There are no signs of changes in herself Fei Yu Ching.

This matching is also presented by Qin Jie (the leading music critic). Hematnya, each generation has a right to enjoy their own music. Occurrences Fei Yu Ching with the ability to hang on is because of strong will and his own efforts that address the needs of the market.

Even General Manager for record company Taihe Rye Co., Ltd.. named Song To recognize the ability of Fei Yu Ching again able to increase the entertainment world that feels shallow and floating.

Through songs, old songs, Fei Yu Ching is considered as a strong singer who is very determined to pursue perfection in the art. And this is the treasure which is owned by this generation's chance to be warned-warned at the same time to the music players that are still their music is still shallow and floating. Fei Yu Ching had also given the title The King of the Golden Bell because of his performance which won Best Male Singer Award at the Golden Bell Awards in 1984. And, in fact, other than as a singer, Fei Yu Ching is also active as a TV presenter.

Kelihaiannya brought an event no doubt. Especially when collaborating with Zhang Fei (Fei Yu Ching's brother) at the Long Xiong Hu Di (The Fantastic Brothers). Yu Ching Fei and Zhang Fei himself each earned Xiao Fei Ge and Ge because of their cohesiveness and harmony in bringing the event.

Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

Tali Pocong Dicuri ‎

Warga Desa Bagorejo, Kecamatan Srono, Kabupaten Banyuwangi, digegerkan oleh peristiwa pencurian tali Pocong, Rabu (11/8/2010). Para pencuri tali pocong itu sangat nekat karena membongkar kuburan Sapani (70), warga setempat yang baru sehari dikuburkan, Selasa (10/8/2010).

Informasi yang dihimpun di lokasi kejadian menyebutkan, pelaku pencurian diperkirakan lebih dari tiga orang. Pasalnya, pelaku mencuri semua (tiga buah) tali pocong yang mengikat mayat tersebut, yaitu di bagian atas kepala, badan, dan kaki. Tiga orang pencuri itu diduga akan menggunakan tali pocong hasil curian masing-masing untuk semacam jimat.

Adapun peristiwa tersebut diketahui pada hari Rabu (11/8/2010) sekitar pukul 09.00 WIB oleh salah seorang pengunjung makam, Thoyib. Kala itu Thoyib hendak nyekar di pusara saudaranya yang berada di pemakaman desa tersebut.

Saat melewati lokasi makam, ia merasa curiga melihat beberapa papan kayu yang berserakan. Setelah diamati dengan seksama, ternyata papan-papan kayu tersebut adalah papan penutup yang biasanya dikubur bersama jenazah saat dimakamkan.

Kecurigaan Thoyib semakin bertambah ketika melihat makam almarhum Sapani dalam kondisi amburadul. Di makam yang tanahnya masih basah itu terlihat banyak bekas galian yang tak selesai. Batu nisan makam Sapani juga copot dari tempatnya.

Maka, tanpa banyak cakap, Thoyib langsung melaporkan temuannya ke juru kunci makam. Setelah itu, keluarga Sapani pun dihubungi. Pihak keluarga segera datang ke makam.

“Kami mendapat laporan dari Pak Thoyib dan langsung memeriksa ke sini. Ternyata benar, makam kondisinya semrawut. Akhirnya kami membongkar makam dan memeriksa mayat. Alhmadullilah, mayat bapak saya masih utuh,” ujar Sujito, anak sulung Sapani.

Proses penggalian kembali makam tersebut disaksikan oleh ratusan warga, perangkat Desa Bagorejo, dan beberapa petugas Polsek Srono. Tak berselang lama diketahui bahwa hanya tiga tali pocong yang hilang, sedangkan kondisi jenazah masih utuh.

Pihak keluarga dan banyak warga setempat maupun perangkat desa merasa tidak habis pikir dengan peristiwa tersebut. Selain mempertanyakan motif pencurian, mereka juga menyayangkan karena mayat yang baru sehari dikubur telah diobrak-abrik, apalagi dilakukan di bulan Ramadhan.

“Saya tidak menyangka bahwa di zaman modern seperti sekarang ini masih ada yang melakukan perbuatan seperti itu,” sesal Djoko Purnomo, Kades Bagorejo.

Menurut keterangan yang diperoleh, Sapani meninggal dunia karena sakit di hari Selasa Kliwon (kalender Jawa), atau sehari menjelang datangnya bulan Ramadhan tahun ini. Biasanya, makam orang yang meninggal pada hari itu akan dijaga warga atau keluarganya.

Langkah tersebut dilakukan setidaknya sampai tujuh hari tujuh malam. Pasalnya, sebagian orang Jawa, khususnya di Banyuwangi, masih percaya bahwa orang yang meninggal dunia pada hari Selasa Kliwon bagian tubuhnya atau kain kafannya dapat berguna sebagai ajimat sehingga menjadi incaran para penganut ilmu hitam.

Namun, warga yang tak percaya hal seperti itu tidak menjaga makam seseorang yang meninggal pada Selasa Kliwon, termasuk makam Sapani. Ternyata, makam yang dijaga tersebut dibongkar orang, kemudian tiga tali pocongnya dicuri.

Rabu, 28 Juli 2010

Contoh Yamaha Baru Ec-03

Yamaha Ec-03 - Like not to be outdone by Honda which had already issued an electric motor called EV-neo, Yamaha immediately followed by introducing the electric motor Anyar those named EC-03.

Even though came later, Yamaha electric scooter has a highly ambitious target which is the market leader in electric motors by 2020.

As quoted by Reuters on Friday (07/16/2010) Yamaha's latest electric motor is planned to be marketed on 1 September 2010. Taiwan and European markets will begin to get the EC-03 in 2011.

To start targeting to sell 1000 Yamaha EC-03 unit in the Japanese market.


1.080 mm
110 mm ground clearance
Height 745 mm
Weight 56 kg
Mileage once the contents of the battery 43 km with an average speed of 30 km per hour
Power unit type AC synchronous electric motor
Rated output 0.58kW
Maximum output 1.4kW (1.9PS)
Maximum torque 9.6Nm (0.98kgfm)
Battery Type
Lithium-ion battery
Battery voltage / capacity 50V 14Ah (1hr)
Charging the battery 6 hours
Source Yamaha

Yamaha has ever actually introduced a concept motorlistrik in 1991 at the Tokyo Motor Show with a Frog but only produce the first electric motor in 2002 with a Yamaha Passol.

Unfortunately, this bike is not successful in the market, because after birth Passol-L and EC-02 in the year 2005, a certain model of motor scooter must accept the bitter truth was stopped production in 2006.

Now with the birth of this EC-2003, Yamaha had hoped the incident did not happen again bitter and instead make a tuning fork manufacturer berlambang the electric motor market leader with a target the European market in 2011 and Taiwan in the future.

Yamaha is also targeting China as another major market, because the country's bamboo curtain has a large market. It is estimated that China's market can absorb 20 million units of electric motors.

Yamaha EC-03 itself is strengthened by the battery 50V from Sanyo, which was then supported by a technology called Yamaha Integrated Power Unit (YIPU). With these technologies, Yamaha EC-03 claims can produce force up to 1.9 hp and 7.1 ft-lb torque and running as far as 42.9 km with a maximum speed of 29.9 km / hr.

With this capability, the EC-03 is only equivalent to a capacity of 50 cc motorcycles, this is certainly not qualified. Especially when charging the battery still quite a long time and reached six hours.

Senin, 12 Juli 2010

Agnes Monica Artis Cantik

Agnes Monica - A number of cellular operators in Indonesia began to lower the subscription fee for access to his BlackBerry service. Is this the impact of intense competition to acquire new customers, or because of market saturation BlackBerry begin?

Agnes - Recently, the Axis of Natrindo Phones Unlimited BlackBerry tariff lowered hers from the rate of $ 120 thousand per month to USD 79 thousand. Head of Corporate Communications Axis, Anita Avianty, ensuring that the tariff reduction reaches 33.3% it was not just a promotional fare.

"This is a flat rate. All existing and new customers can enjoy unsurpassed service at the rate of the Axis," he explained to detikINET, Monday (05/07/2010).

Anita said, of a total of six million mobile subscribers served by the Axis, there are currently 50 thousand customers using BlackBerry access. Axis customers are served through the 4500 base transceiver station (BTS) in Java.

For existing customers in Sumatra, the Axis network rented property Axiata XL. "This July we will also open the service in Kalimantan and Sulawesi," adds Anita.

BlackBerry subscription rates downward trend began digencarkan since Hutchison CP Telecom operators slam BlackBerry tariffs for Tri (3). Through advertisements, starring Mariah Carey, one of the top country singers, Tri release rate unlimited USD 88 thousand.

Shortly thereafter, many operators are competing to eventually lower tariffs his BlackBerry. Starting from XL and Telkomsel. XL lowered the monthly subscription fee of USD 150 thousand to USD 99 thousand. But it was only promotional rates.

While SingTel has twice lowered tariffs. From the previous USD 180 thousand to USD 150 thousand, is now the BlackBerry Unlimited Telkomsel lowered again to $ 70 thousand per month for the second month tariff, third, and fourth after the subscription package of USD 120 thousand in the first month.

BlackBerry tariff reduction telematics operator observers had criticized Ventura Elisawati because it was feared could impact on service quality degradation. "Rates are cheap surefire way to attract new customers. After getting a lot of customers, the service can be expected to be lelet. Understandably, the BlackBerry enough to consume bandwidth greedily."

But marketing analysts Thunder Siboro assess the operator's strategy of reducing the fair's BlackBerry tariffs imposed on the telecommunications industry. "Operators are often required to work and show good performance each quarter. And the rate reduction is the easiest step, do not take much effort to think a lot," Thunder said.

For large operators such as Telkomsel, XL, and Indosat, the tariff reduction had been duly carried out since long. But for small operators who still like Tri and Axis, other observers said, than thinking about their customer acquisition is suggested to improve network capacity.

"The market is not saturated, the acquisition can still be. But the most unfortunate if the small players chimed in just a price war to acquire as many customers only.'s Better to play in applications that have value for money while improving the network, especially for indoor coverage," he said .

Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

Bermain Prediksi Bola

Prediksi Kamerun Vs Belanda - Dutch national team coach Bert van Marwijk promised to give the main venue for Arjen Robben. One place that includes the party last Group F against Cameroon at the Stadium of Cape Town, Cape Town, Thursday (24 / 6), or Friday early morning hrs.

Kamerun Vs Belanda - Oranje star has never competed in South Africa due to a hamstring injury in the warm-up matches. Although without Robben, the Dutch successfully reaped two victories over Japan and the Danes who made them qualify for the big 16th round. Group F top spot almost in hand, and Van Marwijk could use it as a venue for warm-up match for Robben.

Yet Van Marwijk did not want to rush Robben will determine whether or not playable. Bayern Munich winger this readiness will be evaluated until evening, limit the inclusion of the composition of players last time before boarding action.

"If he is in fine condition he would get a major place in the squad," said Van Marwijk. This 58-year-old coach had to calculate the risk. Robben lowering good for preparations to welcome the games in the knock-out phase. If lowered, injury and Robben could be redundant later relapsed.

Van Marwijk who would not want to graph the performance of the children were safe even though students walked down to the next round. Cameroon cons for him that was certainly thrown the party remains important. "Permanent vigilance must be maintained. That was essentially the opposite party in Cameroon, "he said....

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

Jepang Belajar untuk Permalukan Belanda

Prediksi Belanda vs Jepang Pelatih Jepang Takeshi Okada mempercayai anak asuhannya sudah mendapatkan pelajaran berharga pada laga persahabatan melawan Belanda, tahun lalu, menebar keyakinan skuat Samurai Biru bisa menjungkalkan salah satu favorit juara itu pada bentrok Grup E, Sabtu (19/6).

Prediksi Belanda "September tahun lalu, kami memiliki kesempatan bermain menghadapi Belanda. Itu sebuah titik balik besar bagi kami," ungkap Okada, Jumat (18/6).

"Kami telah mengamati tim Belanda semenjak September. Mereka telah mengalami kemajuan dan kian matang. Mereka berkembang sebagai sebuah tim," jelas Okada yang telah mengantar Jepang memenangi duel Piala Dunia di negeri orang dengan membekuk tim Singa Perkasa Kamerun 1-0, Senin (14/6) lalu.

"Tetapi kami memiliki keyakinan, kami punya kesempatan untuk menang. Kami bertaruh untuk kesempatan itu," cetus Okada.

Tim Oranye--sebutan Belanda--harus mengingat, mereka menjadi bulan-bulanan Jepang selama hampir satu jam. Kendati akhirnya tim juara Eropa 1988 itu akhirnya menjadi pemenang dengan skor telak 3-0.

Jepang pun bersiap menerapkan pola permainan yang telah mereka usung secara konsisten. Pola permainan yang diyakini bakal mengantar mereka membuat kejutan dengan menjungkalkan dua kali finalis Piala Dunia (1974 dan 1978) itu. Jepang berharap mampu menyamai kejutan Swiss dengan membungkam favorit juara Spanyol 1-0.

"Agresif, bekerja keras dalam menyerang dan bertahan, sejauh yang bisa tim kami lakukan," tandas Okada yang tidak akan mengubah gaya permainan Jepang yang telah menjadi pilihannya. "Itu tidak akan pernah berubah, kami tidak akan memodifikasi strategi," jelas Okada.

"Cerita sepak bola tidak akan pernah komplit sebelum pertandingan berakhir. Jadi kami harus selalu tetap berusaha dan percaya. Kami bisa mewujudkan (kemenangan) itu," ungkap Okada lagi.

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

Mengenai Prediksi Italia VS Paraguay

Prediksi Italia VS Paraguay - South Korean midfielder, Park Ji-sung, considered that Argentina is the best team in Group B World Cup 2010 South Africa. Even so, Park believed, South Korea could get at least one point as the two continued to duel in the group stage on Thursday (06/17/2010).

Italia VS Paraguay - South Korea and Argentina are in Group B along with Nigeria and Greece. Second meeting is the second game phase of this group. In the first game, South Korea's 2-0 win over Greece, while Argentina's 1-0 win over Nigeria.

"Argentina is the best team in our group. However, if we could play as a team such as against the Greeks, we were able to get results," said Park

According to Castrol in 2010 FIFA World Cup Football Match Predictor, South Korea has a chance to win over Argentina as much as 16 percent. Meanwhile, Argentina beat South Korea had 58 percent probability.

Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

Obat Keputihan

Obat Keputihan - Herbal and traditional medicine industry in Indonesia has been growing, but the question still must be improved product quality. As stated in the National Working Meeting of Association of Indonesian Herbal and Traditional Medicine, Tuesday (1 / 6).

Director General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Ministry of Health of Sri Indrawaty said the last few decades, the national traditional medicines and herbal drugs have grown significantly. The value of the use of herbal and traditional medicine has also increased. Year 2009, operating revenues herbal medicine and traditional medicine reached Rp 8 trillion and is targeted to reach Rp 10 trillion in 2010.

Only, the quality needs to be further improved. Currently there are over 900 small industrial and medium industrial 130 herbal and traditional medicines. Nevertheless, only 69 of whom have received certification of Good Manufacturing Practice Traditional Medicine or Traditional Medicine Making Good (CPOTB).

CPOTB is a key condition set by the government to produce quality products for the use of equipment and machinery, facilities, infrastructure, plant and human resources.

Herbal and traditional medicines are also still facing problems with the existence of a number of products containing chemicals and drugs do not meet certain quality standards.

Head of Food and Drugs Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Kustantinah said the results of sampling in 2009 and 2010 shows, a chemical found in many herbal medicines stiff, stamina enhancer, penggemuk, and slimming.

Types of chemicals widely used drug is paracetamol (91 percent), phenylbutazone (46 percent), and sildenafil citrate (14 percent). The use of random drug chemicals have a negative impact on health. Moreover, a number of chemicals were added in herbal medicines that belong to this class of hard drugs.

Gradual standardization

Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Herbal and Traditional Medicine (GP Jamu) Charles Saerang said that most small-scale herbal medicine industry. "To have a minimum industry standard required CPOTB USD 2 billion. For a small industry of course it is heavy, "he said.

According to him, CPOTB must be adapted to the abilities and needs of each industry so that the implementation CPOTB can not be generalized to all industries from household scale to large. Moreover, many herbal industry, especially small and medium-scale, not to get government assistance. Including guidance on CPOTB.

There should be standardization of the stages. As a consequence, for example, restrictions on the marketing and distribution determined in accordance standardisasinya stage. "It should be maintained so that the herbal medicine industry is a huge potential to grow and be a host in their own country. Especially with the existence of free trade would be, "said Saerang.

Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

Hp Nokia Terbaru

Nokia X6 - After circulating in Jakarta, services, Nokia X6 comes in Makassar. Phones that carry the tagline that Comes With Music dilego approximately USD 3.9 million through a bundling package with Telkomsel.

Senior Marketing Manager Nokia Indonesia, Goh Doh Hau, in his statement while launching the product was, Thursday, April 29, said music catalog to Comes With Music Nokia Indonesia consists of 12 different types of music from major record companies internationally and locally, such as Aquarius Musikindo, E- motion Entertainment, EMI Music, Indo Semar Sakti, Musica Studios, the Rainbow Records and others.

"Comes With Music is an extraordinary opportunity for local artists to reach more fans and party Nokia are aggressively discussing with local industry to ensure local content can participate in this service," he said.

Services will be offered through Nokia devices 16GB X6, set sail touch phone. Meanwhile, to facilitate the service, the Nokia menggandengan Telkomsel to offer an unlimited data package.

Marketing Communications Manager SingTel Pamasuka, Jowvy Kumala, adding, SingTel will provide two data packages tailored to the needs of its customers such as CWM1 worth USD 20 thousand to 30 days and CWM2 to cost Rp 50 thousand per 30 days.

"For package USD 20 thousand consumers will be able to download speed limit of 512 Kbps and internet usage at 125 MB, while for the package USD 50 thousand, consumers can download with speed limit of 512 Kbps and 300 MB of internet usage," he said.

Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

Gerhana Venus

Gerhana Venus - Venus eclipses will occur three times during 2010. Some parts of Indonesia can only see it once, namely on Wednesday (16 / 5) tomorrow.

According to the amateur astronomy community organizer Avivah Yamani South of Heaven, Venus eclipse is an eclipse of three of the four events that will happen this year. After May 16, eclipse of Venus will appear on 11 September and 5 November.

Venus on September 11th eclipse will pass through eastern Brazil and South Africa. While the same eclipse can be seen on November 5 from South Africa and Australia the western part.

An eclipse again, the planet Mars, will occur on December 6 later. But Venus eclipse event the most attractive, said women who used to be called Vivie's, will occur on December 26, 2057. â € œSaat it in conjunction with partial solar eclipse visible in South America.

The beauty of the evening with a combination of Venus and the moon during an eclipse next Sunday, can only be seen from northern Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.

Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

Sabrina Pai

Sabrina Pai - Kevin's three young children, Ben and Aan are infatuated with a famous advertisement star in Japan, Maria Ozawa suddenly surprised when I saw the announcement in his idol's personal blog artist. In his blog, written when she was going to Jakarta to give prizes to the winners directly quiz. Aan Ben and immediately the spirit and force Kevin to pick up Mary at the airport.

Upon arrival at the airport turned out so many have waited for the arrival of Maria, but when she unexpectedly came to Taiwan at the exit, they all think she is Maria Ozawa and instantly became seizure fans. Kevin, Ben and Aan immediately carried off the girl who was named Noodles Bie Yao was out the airport. In the middle of the road they finally realized that if they bring the girl Maria Ozawa was not that they've been waiting for, but they do not want to waste such a beautiful girl.

Although initially Bie Mie Yao angry with the three youths accused as kidnappers, they finally decided to bring it to the party girl Jessica Taiwan. Jessica is the girl Kevin coveted, but girlfriend Jessica, Mike became a barrier Kevin. Until finally Mike challenged Kevin if you can not bring a pretty girl to a party, then Kevin should stay away from Jessica's life.

Miyabi kidnap movie was opened to the atmosphere of a typical town with stunning views of Tokyo's crowded Shibuya. After that, the figure of the most anticipated, Maria Ozawa came to the scene directly in front of the laptop computer in a room and continue the scene with a bath in the bathtub. For the men do not immediately think naughty with these scenes, since all who performed in the early scenes are a natural phenomena, far from pornography is often rumored lately.

Here's an interesting side of kidnap movie Miyabi. In the film shows how Maria Ozawa aka Miyabi show talent acting like famous movie stars. He served as Japan's top ad stars with enough natural, no-frills shows the curves of her naked body. Maybe this is the first film to be the beginning you see the real figures and Miyabi acting on the big screen too right?

Maria Ozawa's actions not only at the center of attention in the film claim Findo Purnowo HW, you can also see the stars of Taiwan, which acts as Sabrina Pai Yao Bie Mie. Action is quite entertaining with silly scenes despite the limitations of language, and you made like to see the figure of Maria Ozawa in Sabrina Pai. Not only Sabrina Pai will churn your stomach, there are still three young children, Nicky Tirta, Kevin Julio, and Hardi-Fadillah with silliness silliness that will invite laughter.

Surely not just a mere comedy offered by Maxima Pictures. She has also tried to abduct a moral message that you can apply in everyday life. Starting how to keep trying with the ideals who want to achieve, until the message is not always be partying with booze. So, there's nothing to worry about is not it?

Senin, 03 Mei 2010

Hp Nokia

Nokia X6 - NOKIA Comes With Music menghadirkan musik dalam jumlah tanpa batas. Ponsel ini cocok bagi konsumen di Makassar yang hobi mendengarkan musik.

Produk terbaru Nokia tersebut diberi nama Nokia X6 Comes With Music. Makassar merupakan kota ketiga di Indonesia yang dikunjungi Nokia dengan layanan Comes With Music yang revolusioner. Sebelumnya Nokia hadir di Jakarta dan Surabaya. Layanan Comes With Music dari Nokia menawarkan cara baru bagi konsumen untuk menemukan dan mengunduh musik dengan mudah di mana saja dan kapan saja.

Kehadiran Nokia X6 ini tentunya mengubah secara total pengalaman pehobi musuik di Makassar. Mereka akan disuguhkan aneka musik dalam jumlah tanpa batas. Tak tanggung-tanggung dengan produk terbarunya ini, konsumen bisa men-download lagu hingga tiga juta lagu atau setara dengan Rp 15 miliar kalau membeli kopian lagu menggunakan CD.

"Layanan ini merupakan yang pertama di Indonesia dengan penawaran akses tanpa batas selama setahun untuk mengunduh tiga juta lagu dari artis internasional dan lokal yang tersedia dalam katalog Comes With Music. Tiga juta lagu ini sama dengan Rp 15 miliar," kata Senior Marketing Manager Nokia Indonesia, Goh Doh Hau, dalam acara peluncuran produk Nokia X6 Comes With Music di D'Luna Cafe&Resto, Makassar, Kamis (29/4).

Dikatakan, konsumen yang membeli ponsel Nokia edisi Comes With Music dilengkapi dengan PIN untuk mengunduh jutaan lagu gratis dari Musik Ovi. Seluruh lagu yang telah diunduh dapat terus disimpan selamanya bahkan ketika periode layanan telah berakhir.

Pengguna ponsel jenis ini juga, lanjutnya, bisa menikmati lagu dari artis favorit atau mencoba genre musik baru tanpa khawatir akan pembelian lagu secara satuan maupun album. Satu unit ponsel berkapasitas 16 GB ini dibanderol dengan Rp 3,999 juta.

Selasa, 27 April 2010

Cowboys In Paradise

Video Cowboys In Paradise - Kemenbudpar belum pernah menerima pengajuan izin pembuatan Film dokumenter Cowboys in Paradise yang menghebohkan masyarakat Bali.

“Sampai saat ini belum ada permintaan izin film itu untuk masuk ke Indonesia, kalaupun minta izin pasti kami tolak,” kata IGde Pitana, Direktur Promosi Internasional Kemenbudpar ditemui di kampus Unud Denpasar, Selasa (27/04/2010).

Menurut dia, jika melihat isi film seperti yang diunduh lewat YouToube, jelas tidak sesuai sejalan dengan pembangunan pariwista sebagaimana diatur dalam UU No 10 tahun 2009.

“Pembangunan kepariwisataan Indonesia adalah menjungjung estetika nilai-nilai budaya dan prinsip religiusitas masyarakat Bali khususnya dan Indonesia umumnya,” terang mantan Kadis Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Bali ini.

Dikatakan dia, untuk masalah perfileman, Lembaga Sensor Film yang lebih berwenang, hanya saja, diakuinya memang cukup sulit untuk mengawasi dan membatasi peredaran film. “Ya susah setiap orang sekarang dengan mudah membawa HP atau handycame, apalagi jika kemudian filmya ditayangkan dari luar negeri,” tandasnya.

Dikatakan dia, sesuai ketentuan setiap ada pihak asing yang ingin membuat film di Indonesia lebih dulu harus mengajukan skrip naskah dialog kemudian diajukan ke Kemenbudpar. “Jika melihat isi tayangan film tersebut, jelas lembaga sensor film juga akan menolaknya,” kata dia.

Pihaknya tidak akan mentoleransi pihak pihak yang mengekpolitasi keindahan wilayah seperti di Panatai Kuta untuk kepentingan pornografi karena menyimpang dari aturan dan norma. Karenanya, dia berharap masyarakat dan pemerintah segera berbenah dari pengalaman beredarnya film tersebut agar tidak terulang kembali.

Kamis, 22 April 2010

Conceive Your Plot

Simply knowing what the seven areas of life are is not enough to live happily ever after. We have to decide what we really want in each of the seven categories, and then we have to create goals around those decisions. Think of each individual goal as a plot point in the storyline of your life. It's a stepping-stone with a simple timeline to follow.

I'm going to list the seven categories again, but now they are accompanied by questions. The answers to these questions will help you in your effort to get crystal clear about your deepest heart's desires.

1. Finances - Exactly how much money to do you want to earn (actively and passively) each month? How much do you want to invest in real estate, investments and other appreciating equities? How much money do you want to put into a savings account? What are the debt amounts you want to pay off?

2. Business - What businesses do you want to create or be involved in? What do you really want to be doing every day of your life (career wise)? Who do you want to work with?

3. Personal - What material things do you want to buy for yourself? What skills (dancing, playing a musical instrument, learning to swim, etc.) do you want to master? What countries or famous places do you want to visit? Where do you want to go on your yearly, monthly, vacations and what do you want to do?

4. Health and Fitness - Does your body look exactly the way you want it to? If you could have the physique you wanted, what would you look like? What exercise have you always wanted to try, but never have? Are you satisfied with your current eating habits, or would you like to eat healthier? Which religion or spiritual practices would you like to study? How would that practice enhance your spiritual life? What mental habits do you need to work on? Do you need to develop a better mental attitude?

5. Fun - What activities do you love to engage in? What activity makes you feel like a kid again? Is there something you enjoy doing, but don't make time to do? Is there something you've always wanted to try but were afraid to? Are there things you loved to do as a child, and still love to do, but don't do anymore because of how others might view you?

6. Relationships - With whom do you want to spend more time with at home? At work? Who needs you to spend more time with them? At home? At work? Who do you NEED to spend more time with, as in a mentor or spiritual guide?

7. Contribution - What charity or community project do you want to contribute to? Do you want to give your money? Your time? Do you possess talents that could benefit that charity of project? Can you create or invent a self-perpetuating charity like Paul Newman did with Newman's own? (Check out his story at Create a cause and your heart will absolutely sing, I guarantee it.

The answers to these questions will help you to set goals in each of the seven categories. I want you to try to come up with as many goals as possible in each area. You don't have to have the same number of goals in each category, but you need to have at least one in each of them!

Once you have your list of goals beside each category, give them a time line. Write one, three, five or ten years beside each of the goals.

Got that?

Now, re-list each goal under these new headings: One, Three, Five and Ten. Then you can prioritize your goals according to the time frame. How easy is that?

For example, let's say my top four goals for this year are to learn to tango, start a furniture business, devote one evening a week to spend with my wife, and buy a new home. First, I would decide which of these goals are the most important to me (this is often charted on what I call a tournament chart: Just like the best in eight in tennis playoffs, you play your goals against each other. Find the “driver” goal and, when you attain that, you'll get all the rest.

Let's go back to those four goals:

1. learn to tango

2. devote one evening a week to spend with my wife

Hey, I can do both of these things at once (imagine that!), so I'll ask my wife to take tango lessons with me. That was easy. My goal is to spend one evening a week taking tango lessons with my wife.

Now, I need to decide which of these two goals is the most important to me:

3. start a furniture business

4. buy a new home

There is a businessman who is interested in starting the furniture business with me, but he's not available until the end of the year. My family really wants to move into a new home and so do I. So, I'll make buying a new home the first priority.

Out of those two winners I need to choose which goal should be precedent in my mind. This doesn't mean that only one goal can be achieved at a time or that all the other goals just go away. By focusing primarily on a single goal, you'll find that you start shakin', rattlin' and rollin' at a much faster clip through ALL your goal lists!

OK, back to my example above: Tango one evening a week with my wife or buy a new home. This is easy - I'll sign up for tango lessons! Once I do that I can move onto my next goal, which is to begin to look for a new home to purchase.

Once these goals are completed I will move to the next round of winning goals. I just keep repeating the same process. I always have a completely prioritized chart of what I want to accomplish, working backwards to less high-priority goals I still want to accomplish in this first year of taking massive action.